2018 CAT, 320 3D, TRACK EXCAVATORS, Air Conditioner, Boom - 1 Piece, CAMERA WITH 360 VIEW, Car Body - Standard, COMMON ARRANGEMENT, COUNTERWEIGHT 9,260 LB, Coupler - Quick, Coupler Type - Hydraulic, Deluxe Cab, Emissions Level - EPA - EPA TIER 4f, Emissions Level - EU - IV, Emissions Level - Japan - STEP 4 FINAL, Engine Enclosures, GRADE WITH 3D ASSIST/PAYLOAD, Grading System - 3D, HD UNDERCARRIAGE, Lighting, LINES HP REACH BOOM, Mirrors, Online Owner's Manual , Payload Measurement System, Radio - Bluetooth, REAR SUN SCREEN, Regulatory Status - CAT_Korea, Regulatory Status - CAT_NR_EPA/CARB_MLIT_EU_R120_China Export, Stick - Long, Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel, , Bumper: Good; Catwalk: Good; Counterweight: Good; Crankcase Guard / Battery Box: Good; Decals: Good; Eng. Enclose Hood / Stack: Good; Engine Doors: Good; Fenders: Good; Fuel Tank: Good; Grab Irons: Good; Hood: Good; Main Frame Welds: Good; Paint: Fair; Plastic: Good; Radiator Grill & Shroud: Good; Sheet Metal: Good; Steps / Ladder: Good; Horn: Good; Secondary Exit: Good; Air Conditioner: Good; Dash Console: Good; Gauges: Good; Interior Lights: Good; Switches: Good; Windshield Wipers: Good; Fuel Injection System: Good; Governor: Good; Operating Condition - ENGINE: Good; Turbocharger / Blower: Good; Coolers: Good; Fan: Good; Radiator: Good; Water Pump: Good; Alternator: Good; Lighting: Good; Starter: Good; Wiring: Good; Boom Cylinder: Good; Bucket Cylinder: Good; Control Linkage: Good; Hose Lines: Good; Hydraulic Swivel: Good; Operating Condition - HYDRAULICS: Good; Pump Drive: Good; Pumps & Valves: Good; Stick Cylinder: Good; Swing Gear: Good; Swing Motors: Good; Travel Motors: Good; Boom Condition: Good; Boom Pins: Good; Pins & Bushings - BOOM: Good; Pins & Bushings - STICK: Good; Stick Conditions: Good; Stick Pins: Good; Bucket Bottom: Good; Bucket Linkage: Good; Bucket Mounts: Good; Bucket Sides: Good; Cutting Edges: Good; Teeth / Adapters: Good; Track Frame - Left: Good; Track Frame - Right: Good; ,